Student Health
The mission of school health services is to foster and maintain each student’s optimal level of health. This is achieved by assessment of daily health issues, evaluation of hearing, vision, and posture, as well as maintenance of immunization status, identifying risk factors for chronic or acute diseases and assisting parents to achieve their child’s optimal health. Keeping students healthy and functioning at their personal best will enhance the total school experience.
CISD maintains regular contact with Liberty County Public Health officials regarding communicable diseases or illnesses. Our District Nurse Coordinator oversees the nurses on each campus. They follow protocols and precautions when dealing with infectious disease. Our clinics are able to monitor students’ temperature and document symptoms. A student who is running fever or vomiting is isolated from other students/adults to the extent possible until picked up by a parent. Patient confidentiality is maintained in accordance with Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Lacy Green, BSN, RN, NCSN District Coordinator of Health and Nursing Services Email: lacy.green@clevelandisd.org Phone: Service Center 281-592-8717